The resistive and reactive currents within the dielectric usually have a phase angle between them The tangent of this phase angle is the loss tangent or dissipation factor of the dielectric For more info visit

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The resistive and reactive currents within the dielectric usually have a phase angle between them. The tangent of this phase angle is the loss tangent or dissipation factor of the dielectric.

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The resistive and reactive currents within the dielectric usually have a phase angle between them. The tangent of this phase angle is the loss tangent or dissipation factor of the dielectric. For more info, visit - #dissipationfactor #PCBMaterial #choosetherightpcbmaterial #pcbindia #pcbmanufacturers #electronics #pcbelectronics #pcbdesigners #PCBPowerMarket #pcb #easeofordering #pcbassembly #pcbboard #pcbcreation #pcbdesign #pcbdesigning #pcbengineer #pcbfabrication #pcblayout #pcbmanufacturer #pcbmanufacturing #pcbprototype #pcbready

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